A future free of suicide

By: yourtown 11 Sep 2015 yourtown Organisation News

BoysTown recently joined local and international experts to discuss suicide prevention in Australia.


Researchers and policy makers recognise that suicide is preventable, yet suicide rates have changed little in the past 10 years. It’s the leading cause of death in children and young people.

On World Suicide Prevention Day (10 September), in an open letter to the Federal Government of Australia, the participants at this historic Suicide Prevention Summit committed to:

  • Reducing our suicide rate by 50% within four years
  • Implementing a national, systems-based approach that integrates clinically proven mental health services, community support and education programs to achieve this reduction
  • Advocating for implementation of the systems-based approach to begin immediately at twelve high-risk locations across the country
  • Ultimately, a future free of suicide.

Together, we strongly urge Federal and State governments to support real, positive change to how we manage mental illness and suicide in Australia.

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