Support us

Fundraising and Events

Your support helps to create brighter futures for young people.

yourtown is a charity, predominantly funded by the community. Your support means we can protect children and young people through services like Kids Helpline.

Here are some ideas of what you could do:

  • Collect gold coins for a free dress or crazy hair day, BBQ lunch or pancake breakfast
  • Host a charity event like Christmas carols, a concert, trivia night or movie marathon
  • Simply ask: sometimes all you need to do is ask for a donation


Create a GoFundraise fundraising page

You can set up your free fundraising page on the GoFundraise website to accept and automatically receipt online donation.

It removes the hassle of handling and banking cash, or having to notify yourtown of donors who need receipts.

You’ll receive a web address for your page, which you can promote so people can go straight to your page to find out more and donate.


Banking funds

If you will be accepting cash donations, please email us at [email protected] for our bank account details.

Fundraising Toolkit

Get ideas on how to plan and promote your fundraising activity, and learn more about the Terms and Conditions of fundraising for Kids Helpline.


Want to find out more?