A message from our CEO

By: yourtown 02 Jun 2014 BoysTown

One of the things I enjoy most about my role is having the opportunity to be out and about visiting the staff, clients and communities in which we work. I recently visited our most remote site Balgo, in the Tjurabalan region of Western Australia.


BoysTown’s Balgo workers - Keith and Sally - strive to support and work with children, young people and families living in the community.

While our staff often face challenges when working with the diversity of issues many of those we help face, none are more so than at our Balgo site.

Each morning, Sally and two local women run a playgroup. Young mothers and their children come together to participate in a program that includes plenty of fun but also learning.

In the afternoon, women join in on activities that include art and sewing, creating traditional Aboriginal artwork like ‘Balgo Silks’ that are sold across Australia and internationally.

Keith works with young people engaged with the Trade Training Centre, developing construction and other vocational skills. These skills are put to good use in the community, providing paid work and maintaining local buildings.

Individuals are offered ongoing learning opportunities through both accredited and non-accredited training. This includes working with men on enhancing their numeracy, literacy and digital skills.

Balgo is isolated, it’s hot, it’s dusty and there are challenges, but that’s what making a difference is about. Being prepared to work towards improving the lives of others, challenges along the way, is what BoysTown is here to do.

BoysTown Balgo is almost 100 per cent funded by BoysTown.

Tracy Adams

BoysTown CEO

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