Back to School Prep in Spotlight

By: yourtown 23 Jan 2014 Kids Helpline

Kids Helpline is preparing parents to help kids tackle back to school stress.

A new class or school can make children worry and support from parents is the key to helping kids cope.

Preparing children for change and keeping an eye out for unusual behaviour can make all the difference to how their school year begins and ends.

Back to School preparation tips include:

  1. Practice the upcoming morning and bedtime routine a few days beforehand to help young people get into a regular pattern of sleeping and waking
  2. Ensure they eat breakfast each day to given them energy to focus on their studies
  3. Help them prepare for their new environment by providing the equipment they will need
  4. Take some time out on the day to see how children are going
  5. If your child is catching public transport to school or walking/cycling, help them get familiar with how they will get to and from school

If kids want to talk to someone about heading back to school, they can call Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or use email or web counselling services. No issue is too big or small.

The most important thing you can do is let your child know that you trust them and keep communication open. - Tony Fitzgerald, Kids Helpline


Visit the Hot Topics section on the Kids Helpline website for more tips on making the transition back to school.

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