Being a kid is tough

By: yourtown 01 May 2015 Kids Helpline

Every day Kids Helpline is helping young people deal with extremely serious issues.


The concerns of children and young people seeking counselling have remained consistent over the last three years with mental health, family relationships and emotional wellbeing topping the list.

Young people like 17 year old Allison*.

“For the past few years I have found it hard to get along with my mum and her boyfriend. I felt that no one cared and that everyone hated me. I also felt that I was very ugly and I had very low self-esteem. I had convinced myself that I would feel like this forever."

"I didn't trust anyone and felt all alone with no friends. I didn't even trust my family. So I decided to call Kids Helpline. I spoke to a counsellor and she listened to me and understood exactly how I felt. I could trust my counsellor with anything and I knew she couldn't and wouldn't tell anyone."

My counsellor gave me great advice on how I could become happier and how to fix things. Allison


To find out more about what is concerning children and young people check out Kids Helpline (KHL) Insights 2014.

If kids want to talk to someone, they can call Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or use email or web counselling services. No issue is too big or small.

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