‘Bullying’ is everyone’s business

By: yourtown 17 Mar 2017 Blog, Kids Helpline

Kids Helpline (KHL) is calling on everyone in Australia to take note, take action and make putting a stop to ‘bullying’ their business.

Take a stand against bullying.

Today is the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence and it’s an ideal time to take note of possible bullying in the community and put in place strategies to stop it happening.

Children as young as six are contacting KHL about bullying with alarming reports of victimisation at school and online. Last year, counsellors responded to more than 3,800 counselling contacts from children and young people concerned about this issue.

84% of these related to bullying at school.

By far the most common concern of those contacting KHL about online safety was bullying, with more than one in three cyber-safety counselling sessions focusing on this issue.

Bullying behaviour reported included verbal abuse, exclusion, isolation and/or spreading of rumours, intimidation, extortion or threats of personal harm, and physical aggression or assault.

“Nobody should ever have to experience this. It’s important that we as a community are all vigilant, keeping an eye out for signs that things may not be right with your child, your friend or student and ask them if they’re OK.” Tony FitzGerald, KHL Manager

This week, ABC TV launched the ’Our Focus: Bullying’ season of programing designed to examine the causes, context, and consequences of bullying in Australia today. 

Kids Helpline has been working with the ABC and ReachOut on content for the supporting ABC Our Focus: Bully website where audiences can access digital self-help, peer-to-peer forums, or counselling or crisis support through services like Kids Helpline.

The Kids Helpline and Bullying No Way websites also have lots of useful information about how you can recognise and support children and young people who may be experiencing bullying.

If you or someone you know is being bullied remember KHL is here 24/7 on 1800 55 1800 or www.kidshelpline.com.au

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