I buy my ticket because...

By: yourtown 16 Feb 2021 Blog, Prize Draws, Prize Homes

"I'd like to think if my boys needed help that there was a resource they could use like Kids Helpline to give them help and hope."

It's about hope.

Winning a yourtown Prize Home Draw and living a luxurious life rent and mortgage free is a dream…

It's not just about changing your life or contributing to our services. It’s about hope. Hope for your own future and hope for a brighter future for others.

Across yourtown’s social media we asked followers to finish the sentence, “I buy my ticket because…”

Your responses were filled with kindness, compassion, and most importantly, hope. Not just for a big win for yourselves but for the thousands of young people that receive help from yourtown each year.

Our Social Enterprises program has provided more than 3,000 young people with paid work experience and training over the last 20 years.

I buy my ticket because... it's a win-win for me.

“It’s a win win for me! I am helping out a good cause and it gives me hope for a better future.”

“I buy my tickets because whilst I'm giving my family a chance at happy ever after I'm also helping people who need it, even if it's just a small amount here and there. When I don't win, I at least feel as though I've helped in some small way. I never feel bitter, just ready to say I’ll buy again next time.”

When young people are lonely, need advice, struggling or in urgent need of support, Kids Helpline's qualified counsellors are there for them - 24/7, 365 days a year.

I buy my ticket because... I was once a child in need.

“I was once a child in need. But when I was a kid, there wasn't any help available… I'm glad we all help kids by buying tickets. And what a dream come true for people to win an awesome home.”

“I know what yourtown and Kids Helpline have helped myself for a very long time and I know the importance to have these services for our people and children. Before my mother passed away she had supported these awesome services for a long time and I decided to carry on the same compassion for the vulnerable people who are in most need.”

At San Miguel we not only provide temporary accommodation for parents and children like Jemma and her baby, but counselling and guidance to help families tackle the issues creating homelessness.

Thank you

So thank you. Thank you for your kindness and generosity. Thank you for the compassion you show young people in need. Thank you for giving them hope.

Buying a ticket in our Prize Home Draws not only gives you a chance to become an overnight millionaire - you're also helping to create brighter futures for thousands of young people.

You are giving us the support we need to continue to deliver services including Kids Helpline, Parentline, training and employment services for young people, parent education and specialist accommodation.

About yourtown...

We’re a community funded organisation that tackles issues like youth unemployment and mental health, and takes on issues like domestic and family violence. 


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