Give homeless young people a chance…

By: yourtown 25 May 2016 yourtown Organisation News


More young people are finding themselves on the street. Homeless. Unemployed. Feeling worthless. These young people don’t choose to be in the situation but we choose to be there to listen and support them for a brighter future. You can also choose to be part of the solution, by donating now for kids like Connor*. 

Connor, needed a chance to “have a go”…

At 17, Connor was homeless. Suffering from depression and feeling like he had no options, no support and no reason to keep trying. As a young bloke with mental health challenges, he didn’t find life easy and school was difficult. But he found himself on the street, unable to return home due to escalating tensions with his Dad. It was no longer safe to be in his family home, he was depressed and afraid.  He started surfing couches at his friends’ family homes and sleeping rough when he couldn’t find a place to sleep. His difficult situation was not by choice, nor was it his fault.

Without the support of family and the safety and confidence of having a home, he lost his way further. He couldn’t afford a home without money, couldn’t get a job if he had to go to school. But (as you know) you can’t get a job without the right clothes, education and attitude. His depression got worse and his personal health and hygiene were not being maintained. All because of his mental health challenges and the lack of a supportive family environment.

That’s when he found yourtown…

One of Connor’s mates suggested he reach out to us for support. Thankfully, he listened and worked up the courage to visit one of our support offices. We took the time to understand his situation and that’s where things turned around. We were there to give him the chance he deserved and the support he needed.

Our specialist youth worker helped to build a positive and supportive connection with Connor. It was a connection based on respect, trust and genuine understanding.

My youth worker is the first person who showed an interest in me – Connor, 17

By taking the time to listen, it became clear that he needed a job, was behind in school, ashamed by his family’s rejection and needed somewhere safe to stay. We were there to give Connor a chance and help him access services to assist him. Connor started one-on-one tutoring on numeracy and literacy skills which boosted his confidence and by speaking with our counsellors, he started to understand his depression and mental health.

Connor is now living in a safe environment, growing new skills and rebuilding his emotional strength. His new future has started, because we were able to be there. Help us be there for more kids who are dealing with mental health issues and homelessness. Last year we worked with nearly 11,000 young people to learn skills, find jobs and create brighter futures for themselves.

Please give generously and donate today, you’ll be helping more young people get the chance they need. The chance to “have a go”. All donations $2 and over are tax deductible.

At yourtown, we’re tackling the issues young people have. We continue to be part of the solution and provide services that young people can access to find jobs, learn skills and live safe happy lives. Your donation will help us be there for more young people.

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