Sam was feeling really sad and alone. Then he called Kids Helpline...

By: yourtown 18 Jul 2018 Blog, Kids Helpline

Every 90 seconds a young person contacts Kids Helpline. Over the past 26 years, the service has responded to more than 7.5 million contacts.

Sam* was one of those young people.

He didn’t know what to do and he was struggling to talk to his family. A friend suggested he reach out to Kids Helpline.

He told the counsellor that a group of boys at school were constantly bullying him. This had been going on for three months.

Then things got a lot worse for Sam.

After school, they waited until he left the school grounds then attacked him - punching, kicking and laughing until he was unconscious.

Someone in the group filmed the attack and shared it on social media.

Sam told the counsellor that he didn’t feel well and had bruises all over. He felt embarrassed and scared and didn’t know what to do. He felt so bad he wished he could just die.

Sam’s story is real.

He’s just one of thousands of young people who reach out to Kids Helpline each year for support because they’re being bullied. Most of these children are aged between 5 and 12. What’s truly alarming is that 14% of them are experiencing suicidal thoughts.

Recent tragic events have left us all too aware of the devastating effect bullying can have on young lives, families and communities.

Thankfully, many children and young people who reach out for support from Kids Helpline about bullying, go on to live safe and happy lives.

yourtown's Art Unions are the primary source of income for many of our services. Your support means we can protect children and young people through services like Kids Helpline. It's a great chance to win and also create brighter futures.

* Name and image changed for privacy reasons

Kids Helpline is Australia’s only FREE, private and confidential phone and online counselling service for children and young people aged 5 to 25 years. Free call 1800 55 1800 or visit

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