BoysTown celebrates

By: yourtown 26 Nov 2014 BoysTown

Each year at the BoysTown Awards Night in South East Queensland, we recognise and congratulate young people, staff, volunteers and employers who have made outstanding achievements.


The 2014 Awards, presented by our Employment, Education and Training division and sponsored by One Stop Training, were held recently at the Beenleigh PCYC.

The event is a chance to personally thank employers, community partners, volunteers and staff for their dedication and for always striving to get the best results for young people.

It is also a chance to celebrate the achievements of those young people and hear the inspiring stories of how they turned their lives around.

Young people like our SEQ Young Achiever of the Year, Edward Green.

Edward had to start a new chapter in his life after his father died. He wanted a career for himself, so did everything we asked of him with a smile on his face and a great attitude.

He undertook training, volunteered at the RSPCA, got his driver’s licence, moved into his own place, and started fulltime employment.

Edward has shown strength, determination, appreciation and greatness throughout all his ups and downs, and it’s been an honour to walk with him on this journey. John Perry, Employment, Education and Training General Manager

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