Building a future

By: yourtown 19 Feb 2015 BoysTown

Today we are celebrating the completion of our Adelaide home build project, a social enterprise giving unemployed young people real job skills.


The house, completed at Renewal SA’s Playford Alive development, is BoysTown’s first ‘Build and Sell’ enterprise in Northern Adelaide.

It teams unemployed young people with skilled construction workers and trainers from BoysTown and local industries teaching them carpentry, landscaping and other skills needed to get a job.

Up to five young people were working on the construction at any one time, with a total of nine working on the project.

It follows other successful 'Build and Sell' projects in Port Pirie, South Australia and Yarrabilba in South East Queensland.

Like our other youth support programs this social enterprise program, emphasises employability and life skills development and provides support to find on-going employment when the project is completed.

I’m pleased to say that three young people working on the project have already gained full-time employment because of this experience. Tracy Adams, BoysTown CEO.

With youth unemployment at well over 20 per cent in the region, opportunities like this are crucial to helping young people gain the skills needed to find employment.

Young people like Chris who featured in the story on Today Show.

Tell us what you think about this innovative program. Comment below.

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