Changing young lives

By: yourtown 07 Feb 2014 BoysTown

BoysTown delivers counselling, education, training, care and support to thousands of children, young people and families every week thanks to our passionate employees.


We thought you might be interested in finding out what makes them tick.

Edgar Venegas is one of our dedicated youth workers supporting young people in South East Queensland.

“The best part of my job might sound the simplest thing but can be as grand as changing a life.

Just seeing a young person walk in the door is sometimes an achievement and when they give you a smile as they leave - that is the reason that I keep working in this job.

I decided to work for BoysTown because I’d heard they offered a specialised and amazing service to support young people in need and also offered many programs to assist youth more holistically. I also liked the ethics and values upheld here and the passion to help young people strive in life.

I stay working at BoysTown because I can see the success in what we do with young people through our programs and the great complementary services that assist our work. Another reason to stay is the awesome group of people who work here.”

Edgar works with the Youth Connections program which last year helped more than 1,000 at risk young people re-engage in education, training or work.

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