
COVID-19 Safety Plan


A suite of additional hygiene practices have been put in place to ensure workplaces are maintained as clean and fit for purpose.

You can find more detailed information and resources about each component by clicking on the corresponding link.

Site/Work Environment Cleaning

All cleaning contractors who service each yourtown managed site have been provided with specific requirements including details on which products to use and, where necessary, details of additional cleaning requirements. For example, broadening the regime to include door handles at entry and exits.

In addition, meeting rooms, collective workspaces, and where possible, vehicles, are equipped with sanitised wipes and instructions on cleaning requirements so that these can be wiped down before and after each usage.

Wipes are provided on each desk within our call centre environments so that desks, computer equipment, headphones and phones may be sanitised following each shift.

Property have undertaken sanitising of the air-conditioning systems in yourtown vehicles

Personal Hygiene

All staff and clients are encouraged to wash and sanitise their hands regularly. Hand sanitiser and sanitised wipes are in regular supply to all sites.

Personal Protective Equipment

Appropriate PPE has been provided sites and staff to meet specific requirements. This includes things like coveralls, car seat covers etc.

Mask Information

How to put on and remove a face masks correctly

Please see below information, resources and tips relating to putting on, wearing, removing and disposing of face masks correctly is for your protection and for the protection of others.


    How to out on a face mask
    (Do NOT touch the front of the mask)

    1. Perform hand hygiene
    2. When using a face mask with ear loops, secure an ear loop over one ear
    3. Then place the other ear loop over the other ear
    4. Grasp the nose piece of the mask (flexible band) and bring it to cover the bridge of the nose
    5. Mold the nose piece of the face mask with the fingertips of both hands by starting at the bridge of the nose and work outward toward the cheekbones.
    6. Then grasp the nose piece of the face mask
    7. Then pull the bottom of the mask under chin


      How to take off a face mask
      (Do NOT touch the front of the mask)

      1. Perform hand hygiene
      2. Take the index finger of each hand and grasp the ear loops from behind the ears
      3. Pull the face mask forward off the face to remove the face mask
      4. Dispose of mask in a plastic sealed bag and then place in bin or clean mask if it is a reusable mask – face masks should be replaced if wet or soiled
      5. Perform hand hygiene.​​​​​


      Common mistakes

      1. Wear the mask under the nose rather than over the nose
      2. Fail to seal the top of the mask around the nose and cheeks
      3. Fail to pull the mask under the chin
      4. Wear the mask upside down or backwards
      5. Touch the front of the mask while performing patient care and during removal (this part of the mask is contaminated)
      6. There is so much information around at the moment regarding masks


      In short: the P2’s and N95’s are the best masks-but difficult to source. They are regarded as most suitable for people working in healthcare settings and not so much for general workplaces or communities.

      If buying re-useable masks - specifications should be provided, these include:

      • Filters at least 95% of airborne particles - hence N95 ratings
      • BFE - Bacteria Filtration rating should be greater than 98%


      Masks that do not provide these specifications are unlikely to be as effective - and simple cloth masks would provide much the same control.