
COVID-19 Safety Plan

Social Distancing

A range of strategies have been developed to assist in application of the Government’s mandate around social distancing.

You can find more detailed information and resources about each component by clicking on the corresponding link.

Working on Site Arrangements

Consideration may need to be given to some of the following when planning return to site, to ensure social distancing requirements are met:

  • Staggered start and finish times within yourtown’s span of hours (this may also assist with public transport concerns)
  • Staggered breaks to avoid large numbers in break/lunch rooms at any one time
  • Continued work from home on a rostered basis at sites where staff numbers are higher than social distancing may allow.

In Vehicles

Social distancing still applies in yourtown vehicles. We’ve developed a guideline to assist in applying social distancing in vehicles.

Working from Home

As we commence returning to site, there may still be some requirement for people to work from home fully or on a rostered basis, to enable social distancing requirements.

Visiting Sites

If you are visiting a yourtown site, please observe all of the social distancing requirements.

Many sites that have been closed to internal and external visitors may now start to open up to such visits again.

Please check with the site manager before planning your visit.

Interstate Travel

Each state has applied a different set of border control requirements. Before you book any travel, please check the border controls both of the state you are visiting and your home state and plan for any additional requirements that may be involved.

Please note that Queensland requires 14 days self-isolation for staff travelling to a ‘hotspot’ as described on their website.

If you are travelling interstate, please check for hotspots before booking your travel to ensure you are aware of any potential requirements to self-isolate for fourteen days on your return.