Ditching dreadlocks for Kids Helpline

By: yourtown 10 Mar 2015 Kids Helpline

Kids Helpline relies on the support of donors and fundraisers to make a difference in the lives of young people every day.


We have some amazingly generous and committed supporters like Juval. "Children are most important. They are our future, in a society that is so riddled with so much brokenness and hurt, sometimes all they need is someone to listen."

That is why I have decided to cut my dreadlocks off in support of the only organisation in Australia that offers 24/7 help and counselling services to young people and kids. Juval

We are so grateful to Juval for his efforts. You can donate to show your support for this great guy at Everyday Hero.

The funds raised will be used to support our team of counsellors who answer the calls, emails and online messages from children and young people in need.

Community fundraising is that easy. It is as simple as cutting your hair. Whether you are shaving your locks, walking in a fun run, or even celebrating a wedding or a birthday, all you have to do is create your own fundraising webpage to let everyone know what you are doing. Find out more.

And don’t forget to subscribe to the blog to keep up to date with the latest BoysTown news.

#KidsHelplineAU #AnswertheCall

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