Ease first day worries

By: yourtown 19 Jan 2015 Kids Helpline

The first day at school is just around the corner and Kids Helpline is offering advice on how to deal with day one worries.


Starting school is one of the most important stages of a child’s development. They develop coping strategies, problem solving skills and ways of understanding the world outside of their family. Sometimes the new challenges and uncertainties can be overwhelming.

Kids Helpline’s Top Five Back to School tips are:

  1. Be excited about the change. If you are enthusiastic and confident, your children are more likely to be as well.
  2. Listen to your children. Let them know you’re interested in what they’re worrying about and what they’re excited about.
  3. Plan - have uniforms and lunches ready the night before to avoid the early morning rush and any unnecessary stress.
  4. If possible, visit the new school with your child before the first day to familiarise with the layout including bathrooms lunch areas and playgrounds.
  5. Start and maintain daily routines that will add structure and make your child more at ease (eg) dropping your child off at school at the same time each morning.
Really the most important thing a parent can do is listen to their child and be positive, patient and supportive. Wendy Protheroe, Kids Helpline General Manager

If kids want to talk to someone about heading back to school, they can call Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or use email or web counselling services. No issue is too big or small.

Parents can visit the Hot Topics section on the Kids Helpline website for more tips on making the transition to school.

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