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Get job help, skills, confidence, and qualifications with the youth employment specialist

At yourtown, we understand everyone is unique – and so is your journey to finding work.

It’s why we put you at the centre of what we do.

From tailoring our support and training, to providing both virtual and face-to-face options to suit you, and being able to choose your Job Placement Coach, it’s all about personalising your journey around you.

You may be eligible for FREE job help if...

  • You're between 15 - 24 years old
  • You're not currently in full-time employment and/or education

Get FREE job help today!

Please note: this form may take a little while to submit. We appreciate your patience.

Here's what our members love about us

Find out about what happens on your first day 

  • We help you get a job & support you through those first months
  • Tell your story just once - we won’t make you repeat it over and over
  • We have Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander employment coaches
  • It's not just job applications and resumes - we provide practical help too!
  • Face-to-face and virtual workshops
  • Dedicated Job Placement Coaches 
  • Help with job search, résumés & interviews
  • Youth Workers provide safety, mental health & wellbeing support
  • Referral info for apprenticeships, traineeships & study
  • Financial assistance* with transport, training, work clothes & equipment
    *if eligible

My Circle – the social platform that’s good for your mental health!

My Circle is the free, private, safe and confidential social platform for 13-25 year old’s across Australia!

Supported by Kids Helpline counsellors, My Circle lets you talk to other young people going through challenges just like you.
Sign up✔️ share your thoughts✔️ chat to others✔️ learn how to better deal with those issues troubling you ✔️ drive the conversation✔️ sit back and take it all in✔️ The choice is yours!


Member Care

As our members transition into employment or training, our Member Care team are here to support you and help you succeed.​

Think of us as your in-work support person. 

Whether you're stressing about fitting in at your new work, having transport troubles, or want to learn how to budget your hard-earned pay, we've got you covered.

Being a yourtown member means that we can support you for up to six months after your first day at work. 

As a yourtown member you also have access to 24/7 phone counselling!

See what our members have said about how we helped

"yourtown saw me as an individual, identified my strengths and talents, and gave me an opportunity to make a difference and be part of the community."

- Ethan, young person

"I've never worked around a lot of people; I wasn't really talking to many people. Doing this program really built me up. It has been really good for me."

- Ihaia (19) yourtown Employment and Training Program

"Never felt I belonged anywhere – made tons of mistakes with my life and everything in general. Was told about the yjyw program and thought that this was another program where I will stuff around in. In all honestly this was the best move that I have ever made."

- Google review

"The best Job Placement provider I've ever had, I am truly sad that I had to leave. From my experience, they will help you get interviews and try their best to find the work that suits you most as well as helping pay for courses required PPE for work places. This team of amazing people are there for clients. They are purely invested in helping those looking for work and they are overall friendly, understanding and purely there for you. I'd like to thank Vic and Taylor for helping me to the best of their abilities and encouraging me to find work and helping me through a very tough time in my life."

- Google review

yourtown Employment Services
(general enquiries)

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1300 001 015

Member Care
(in-work support team)

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1300 152 575

yourtown PLUS
(virtual servicing team)

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1300 967 573
Text: 0488 415 415