Generations of Generosity

By: yourtown 02 Sep 2015 Kids Helpline, yourtown Organisation News

This amazing group of investors is helping to make a big difference to future generations of Australians.


The Future Generation Investment Company (FGX) was established for investors with a heart. Each investor pledges to share their profits with Australian charities focused specifically on children at risk. Kids Helpline is one of the 14 selected to receive a share of an amazing $1.64 million donation fund.

FGX is an amazing and innovative initiative that hopes to inspire greater Australian corporate philanthropy. Anyone can invest in the FGX group; that means big business, small business and even independent Mum and Dad investors. It’s an investment that supports future generations of Australians.

Jonathan Trollip, FGX Chairman said, "FGX demonstrates how a vehicle focused on wealth creation can also generate social returns. The $1.64 million inaugural donation will contribute significantly to creating a brighter future for Australian children at risk".

We're very grateful for the generosity of FGX and their shareholders to help us help children and young people in need. Tracy Adams, CEO BoysTown/Kids Helpline

Kids Helpline will put FGX's generosity towards a national campaign to help ensure children and young Australians are aware we're here to help. Right now, for every 10 kids that contact Kids Helpline, 6 get through, but 4 don't on their first attempt.

We don't know who is on the other end of the phone and how immediate their need might be. Some are looking for emotional support, while others are more serious.

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