George runs for Kids Helpline

By: yourtown 22 Dec 2014 Kids Helpline

Kids Helpline wouldn’t exist without the support of donors and fundraisers.


Amazingly generous and committed people like young George.

“My name is George and I am 10.

I really want to do something to help kids who aren't as fortunate as me. I'm raising money to donate to Kids Helpline so that kids who have no one to talk to about things that are upsetting them will always have someone there to listen.

I'm asking for donations and I’m hoping to raise about $300 as a start. I'm making that my first goal but would be really happy to raise more. I'm going to jog around the park three times. This will be really hard for me but I will try my best! I might stop and start and might walk a bit but at least I will give it a go!”

He did it! The run was about two kilometres and he had a stitch in the end of the second lap but finished the whole lot. He was a lone runner in the park, Mum did the first lap with him, Dad did the second with him and he took the third on his own. Anne, George's Mum.

In the end he smashed his fundraising goal and reached $431!

The funds raised by George will be used to support our team of counsellors who answer the calls, emails and online messages from children and young people in need. We are so grateful to George, and his Mum and Dad for their efforts. You can still support George by donating here.

Community fundraising is that easy. It is as simple as running around the park. Whether you are running in a marathon, walking in a fun run, or even celebrating a wedding or a birthday, all you have to do is create your own fundraising webpage to let everyone know what you are doing. Find out more.

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#answerthecall #KidsHelplineAU


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