Give generously this Easter

By: yourtown 02 Apr 2015 Kids Helpline

It takes courage for a young person to call Kids Helpline. That’s why it’s so important that we answer every call and can offer ongoing support.


We need your help now to support young people like Emma.*

“I was 13 when I first connected with a counsellor from Kids Helpline, I had just been placed into care and felt as though I had no one in my life to talk to. I started counselling through email and web chat, and after a couple of months I called. My counsellor was so kind. We started phone counselling weekly and she ended up working with me for over four years.”

“Throughout that time with her, I had lived in over 45 foster homes and had fallen into a dark space. My counsellor was the only person who believed in me, she always saw my strengths and focused on my achievements and supported my decisions.”

I am 20 now and I look back and know in my heart that if it wasn't for the consistent support from my counsellor I definitely wouldn't be here today. My Kids Helpline counsellor is seriously my angel, I can't thank her enough for everything she did for me, when no one else wanted to listen, Kids Helpline was always there for me and I am so incredibly grateful. Emma.

Your donation means that we can answer more calls and provide more ongoing counselling sessions so more young people like Emma know they are not alone.

Answer the call and donate today. It will make a difference.

Don't forget to LIKE the Kids Helpline Facebook page and share the good news, tips and information with your friends and family.

#AnswertheCall #KidsHelplineAU

*Name changed for privacy

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