Giving young people hope

By: yourtown 30 Jun 2015 BoysTown

Every young person deserves the opportunity to contribute to their community but many face significant barriers to a meaningful work and social life.


Identifying these barriers and helping young people break through them is where yourtown makes a difference.

Young people like James.*

"About three years ago I lost my sister. I was already sniffing paint at the time – chroming – and so I just chromed more and more. I was like a zombie walking around the streets sniffing, wandering around with other kids just getting nowhere and killing my brain cells.”

“If I didn't come to BoysTown I wouldn't have run into so many good youth workers that could talk with me and help guide me on the right path. To have people who would say you can do anything if you just put your mind to it. At the end of my life I want to be a person who gets a high off life.”

“As I get older I can see myself working at BoysTown as a youth worker.”

BoysTown has made me a better person. James

Last year we supported more than 9,500 young people like James through our employment, education and training programs.

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*Name changed for privacy.



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