Helping families find their feet

By: yourtown 10 Nov 2014 Parentline, Family & Community Services, Young People Services, yourtown Organisation News

Our San Miguel Family Centre in North Richmond, New South Wales, provides supported accommodation for up to 16 families at any one time and is one of the largest of its type in the country.


Homelessness is often a combination of factors and includes a lack of affordable housing. We offer accommodation, case management and other services that give families an opportunity to return to long-term, stable and sustainable homes.

We asked one of our support workers what it is like to be a part of providing these services.

“No day is the same. Generally it’s getting kids off to school. Maybe run a playgroup or program such as life skills. Also there might be a meeting or liaising with youth services in the area. Working in a multi-disciplinary team there is a lot of supporting my colleagues. We do whatever needs to be done.”

When people pull together they can achieve amazing things. Team is very important and I always come to work with a smile on my face.

Last year, 37 adults and 60 children were supported by the caring team at San Miguel.

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