Helping Young Parents to thrive...

By: yourtown 29 Apr 2014 BoysTown, Parentline, Family & Community Services, Young People Services

Last year BoysTown’s Young Parents Support programs helped nearly 100 new parents in Queensland and South Australia.


BoysTown family and child development workers create supportive and educational programs to help young parents. Here's what a typical day is like...

“In the morning we offer children’s development programs. Then it’s case notes and case management in the afternoon. On the days that we don’t have programs, it’s networking with other services and creating referral pathways for children. A lot of the children we work with have extra needs that we address by linking them in to other support services."

BoysTown programs are specific to the changing needs of young people. These parenting programs go beyond "how-to" guides to understand individuals circumstances. Helping young parents understand the tasks and responsibilities of parenthood means they can better manage their transition into the newly formed family.

We asked one of our support workers what it is like to be a part of providing these services.

Every day is interesting. It's really hands on and I get to see real positive changes happen, especially with the children. I love the fact that we really do make a difference.”

Being a young parent is never easy but we are helping with supportive and educational programs. You can help by donating now or by raising awareness of our need for support. That's as easy as sharing an update on Facebook or just telling your friends and family.

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