Home should be a safe place

By: yourtown 25 Nov 2015 Parentline, Family & Community Services, yourtown Organisation News

Domestic and family violence has long-lasting effects on a child’s future.


Today is White Ribbon Day - a National Day to Stop Men’s Violence against Women.

Family violence has long-term impacts on children and affects their education, employment opportunities, mental wellbeing and the quality of future relationships. We're tackling domestic violence and here's how...

We first met Amanda* and her daughters, Harriet (7)* and Ruby (4)* when they arrived at our family violence service. They were fleeing from their home after being threatened by their father. The girls had witnessed their father verbally and physically assault their mother for several years. They grew up in a home that was unpredictable, filled with tensions and dominated by fear.

Our family violence service provided them with  protection and support. Once they were safe, a dedicated case worker helped them to rebuild their lives.

The path to recover from domestic violence is different for each family. Our support can range from specialist counselling and help with budgeting and housing, to parenting and life skills workshops, and re-engagement with education.

This Christmas, Harriet and Ruby have a stable environment and a safe and happier mother. They're looking forward to decorating their first Christmas tree in their new home.

We need your support to help more families like Amanda, Harriet and Ruby to find safety and a brighter future.

"My children feel safe and they have a better mother – they got their mum back!" - Amanda

Your donation will help more children and families affected by domestic violence get the specialised services and care they need to heal.

Please donate today. Together, we'll tackle the issues that impact the lives of young people.

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*Name changed for privacy

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