It’s not too late to help!

By: yourtown 01 Sep 2014 Kids Helpline, yourtown Organisation News

It’s less than a week until the Bridge to Brisbane but it’s not too late for you to sign up to walk, run or support the BoysTown/Kids Helpline Team.



The Bridge to Brisbane will be held this Sunday 7 September 2014, with various start times and distances catering to all fitness levels. But even if the event is not for you, you can still help by donating to Kids Helpline.




Every 60 seconds a young person reaches out to Kids Helpline. For every ten kids that call, six get through and four don’t. Your donation will help one less call go unanswered.


So far the BoysTown/Kids Helpline Bridge to Brisbane Team has raised $11,069.85.That’s less than $4,000 off our $15,000 target.

So, what are you waiting for? You can still donate to Kids Helpline. Help the Team reach their target. And help us help children and young people when they need it most.

Thank you for your support.




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