Learning skills for the future

By: yourtown 20 Jul 2015 BoysTown

yourtown's innovative ‘build and sell’ house projects help disadvantaged and long-term unemployed youth gain practical, hands-on experience they can build a career on.


Young people like Brendan.

Brendan started with BoysTown over a year ago completing a Certificate I in Construction and has gone on to help construct houses in the Yarrabilba and Stoneleigh developments.

Now a second year carpentry apprentice, he’s broadening his skills base beyond carpentry to learn painting, plastering, concreting and landscaping.

“The best thing about this job is I’m learning a variety of trades, the staff give you heaps of help, and I’ve improved my people skills. BoysTown has helped me be a better person.

I don’t know what I’d be doing if I wasn’t doing this. Brendan

“It’s good to use my experience and show some of the others how things are done. I’d like to become a trainer and teach carpentry when I’m older.”

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