Learning to enjoy school again

By: yourtown 08 Feb 2016 BoysTown, Young People Services, yourtown Organisation News

We are part of the solution - we are helping young people feel safe at school...


At the end of last year, we facilitated six workshops to strengthen engagement between students and school staff in a south east Queensland school.

The nine female students who participated in our Youth Engagement Program (YEP) were identified as needing help to become more engaged with school and be better connected with its support network.

After talking with the girls it became obvious that they didn’t know who to approach at school when they were in a crisis. In a safe environment, the group explored various issues affecting students with the aim to help strengthen their relationship with support staff in the school.

We helped the students understand the content of each workshop, facilitated healthy discussions around feeling safe at school and being aware of personal boundaries. We also encouraged interaction with support staff while at school and provided information for who else can help after hours (like Kids Helpline).

In total, seven girls completed the program and graduated with Certificates of Achievement. The growth within the group was clear through their feedback after the workshop and through their retention of the information shared.

I liked learning what to do in different situations the best, and getting to hang out with people I’m not used to. YEP Participant

Over the course of the program, the number of visits to school support staff by the girls increased significantly and the individuals who the school were most concerned about started popping in regularly.

Most of the students are now looking towards a brighter future - they feel reengaged with education and are keen to finish school.

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