Crystal Brook Recreation Centre upgrade is open for business!

By: yourtown 11 Aug 2017 Media Releases

yourtown is excited to be celebrating the completion of a project that goes to the heart of the community when the Crystal Brook Community Recreation Centre upgrade is officially opened tomorrow, Saturday 12 August.

Member for Frome, The Honourable Geoff Brock MP will open the newly refurbished Crystal Brook Community Recreation Centre (CBRC), a project that personifies what ‘community’ truly means.

Faced with aging facilities that no longer met current standards and the needs of local community groups, the town rallied together to fund the redevelopment and an extension to the Crystal Brook Stadium, with many working ‘hands-on’ on the build.

The new facilities include change rooms, canteen, function centre, community fitness centre, public toilets and storage room.

yourtown was pleased to be part of this milestone activity, joining the project development committee lead by CBCRC President Phil Weckert.

“The CBCRC rallied the State Government Department of Recreation and Sport who contributed close to $300,000 to the project. We were also fortunate to be granted $150,000 from Port Pirie Regional Council,” Mr Weckert said.

“Much of this funding was matched by local community groups through a combination of funds and work in kind.”

According to yourtown Port Pirie Manager John Waters, yourtown was contracted to project manage the work and complete construction using their own paid Work (Social) Enterprise crews and volunteer labour.

“Through our Work Enterprises, local unemployed young people benefited from paid work with the support of qualified trades people and youth workers,” Mr Waters said.

yourtown Enterprises provide young people with on-the-job training to build confidence and help prepare them for open employment. This has proved to be a successful model with a long-term outcome rate into employment of up to 70%.

“Volunteers from across the various community groups also gave they time to the build, saving the community in excess of $65,000. This will give the committee the chance to install further improvements to the Centre like air conditioning and floor coverings.”

This has been a great community project and example of what can be accomplished when government, council and community are all able to work together. Many local groups will benefit including the netball club, basketball club, community fitness centre, show society and girl guides.

For more about yourtown see or p: 08 8633 3675, e: [email protected].


WHERE AND WHEN?     11.15am, Saturday, 12 August, Crystal Brook Show Grounds

INTERVIEW/FILMING OPPORTUNITIES: Brendan Bourke, yourtown Head of Client Services; John Waters, yourtown Port Pirie Manager; Michael Starr, yourtown Southern Area Manager – SA, NSW, TAS


Regan Flor [email protected]  0423 843 786  

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