Local young people build more than skills on Crystal Brook construction project

By: yourtown 16 May 2017 Media Releases

The Crystal Brook community is benefiting from a newly refitted Medical Centre, with the yourtown construction project leading to jobs and work skills for local young people.

The new branch of the Crystal Brook Medical Practice officially opening on Wednesday, 17 May, saw nine young people from yourtown’s Enterprises work on the renovation project, with four gaining jobs since completing the build.

According to yourtown’s Southern Area Manager Michael Starr, the not-for-profit Enterprises give young people paid work, vocational skills and training that help them prepare for open employment, often working on projects that benefit the entire community.

“Young people worked on all parts of the project. All got White Cards and Working at Heights Tickets, two got their driver's license and one his fork lift license,” Mr Starr said.

“They also took part in workshops about topics such as employment skills, drug and alcohol use, budgeting and practical information about how to get a job.

“The Crystal Brook Medical Practice asked yourtown to renovate the old ANZ building on Crystal Brook's main street to allow the practice to expand their work in the community.

“The seven month project was a complete refurbishment of the building, starting with an empty shell of the external brick walls, iron roof and concrete floors.

“Work included the timber framing of internal partition walls, ceilings and framing for external facades, replacing doorways with fire rated doors, replacing all windows, external steel portal frames external and internal linings, tiling, painting throughout, and the manufacture and installation of the kitchenette, reception counters and storage cupboards.”

The Crystal Brook Medical Practice’s Dr Holly Deer said the staff could not be happier with the work done.

“We are extremely excited to have started in our new branch and very pleased with the obvious pride the yourtown young people have shown throughout the build,” Dr Deer said.

”The pleasure shown in what they were working on was obvious and they were always extremely keen to show us the progress.

“We look forward to showing them how the work they have done has led to such a pleasant and brand-new, workable branch to our business and addition to the Crystal Brook community's primary health care.”

Twenty-five year old Brodie Long was one of the team who worked on the project and is keen to gain employment in the local area.

“I learnt heaps on the project, like how to use power tools, painting, roofing and rendering. The best thing about the project was always doing new tasks on the job and working with the team. I’m keen to do any kind of outdoor work. I love it!” Brodie said.

yourtown Project Manager Matt Coates said he was impressed with the level of commitment the team showed and what they learnt during the project.

“In addition to practical skills, I saw the team develop greatly improved self-confidence, communication skills and of course team work, and a notable pride in their work,” Mr Coates said.

“I’m very proud of what the team has achieved and look forward to more community projects in the future.”

More than 60 people are expected to attend the opening event for the new facility with guests including Mr Rowan Ramsey, Member for Grey; Lyn Poole, CEO, Rural Doctors Workforce Agency (RDWA); and Dr Geoffrey Gibson who worked in the region for close to 30 years.

The Crystal Brook Medical Practice began in the late 1980s. It is located at Claridge Road and Bowman Street and is visited by close to 16,000 patients each year.

yourtown is a charity with services young people can access to find jobs, learn skills, become great parents and live safe, happy lives. For over 55 years, we've been tackling the issues impacting young people in Australia - like mental health and unemployment, and taking on issues like family and domestic violence. We aim to be part of the solution by delivering services that get results and give young people across Australia the chance of a brighter future. yourtown is mostly funded by the yourtown Prize Home Art Union.

For information about yourtown programs in the region see www.yourtown.com.au or p: 08 8633 3675; e: [email protected].



Medical Centre opening event will take place at 11am, Wednesday, 17 May

32 Bowman Street, Crystal Brook SA


Michael Starr, yourtown Southern Area Manager

John Waters, Site Manager, yourtown Port Pirie

Matt Coates, Project Manager, yourtown Port Pirie

Young people who worked on the project

Dr Holly Deer, Crystal Brook Medical Practice

Dr Richard Mackinnon, Crystal Brook Medical Practice

MEDIA CONTACT:  Regan Flor    [email protected]   0423 843 786

yourtown Crystal Brook contact:   John Waters, 0466 655 578



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