New long-term youth unemployment program launched in Adelaide

By: yourtown 02 Jul 2018 Media Releases

yourtown’s new ‘your job your way’ program offering a solution to long-term youth unemployment will be officially launched at Elizabeth, North Adelaide this Wednesday, 4 July.

yourtown has used it’s more than 15 years as a youth employment specialist along with new research to develop the new your job your way program. It offers a practical solution to long-term youth unemployment and what’s more, could generate substantial welfare savings for Australia that could be reinvested into applying this solution nationally.

yourtown is funding two pilots of the program over 24 months in two of Australia’s top hot spots for youth unemployment – Elizabeth and North Adelaide, South Australia and Caboolture, Queensland.

We believe current employment policy does not adequately recognise long-term unemployment as a significant barrier to youth employment but with youth long-term unemployment more than doubling in the last decade Australia urgently needs to find a solution to this issue - young lives depend on it.

One size definitely does not fit all for long-term unemployed young people. Research reveals long-term unemployed young people deal with a range of highly complex, multifaceted and often very different issues but all were at risk of social exclusion and permanent unemployment.

your job your way will complement the Federal Government’s jobactive service and offer strength based individually tailored support for each young person, include targeted employer engagement strategies and provide intensive ‘in work’ mentoring dedicated to helping young people transition into work.

For more about the new program and research on youth long-term unemployment see the attached Media Release.

Please join us for the launch event for this exciting new initiative.

WHEN:                10.30am start to 11.30am, Wednesday, 4 July 2018

WHERE:             yourtown / Max Employment, 24 Langford Drive, Elizabeth


Tracy Adams, CEO yourtown

Brendan Bourke, yourtown Head of Client Services

John Dalgleish, yourtown Head of Strategy and Research

Ethan Nash – former long-term unemployed young person talking about his experiences

Special guest speaker: Michael Voss, Port Adelaide Midfield Manager

Other guests: Glenn Docherty, Mayor, City of Playford; Martin Hehir, Deputy Secretary, Federal Department of Employment; local employers; other Government and agency representatives


Regan Flor Corporate Affairs and Media Advisor  yourtown [email protected]   07 3867 1395 / 0423 843 786

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