New name, same unique, vital service - Adelaide
- Media Releases
- New name, same unique, vital service - Adelaide
BoysTown offices across Australia are opening their doors this morning (February 29) with a new name – ‘yourtown’.
After 55 years of helping some of the most underprivileged Australians as BoysTown, it was time to change to a name that bettered reflected the inclusive nature of the organisation’s work.
yourtown CEO Tracy Adams said as one of Australia’s most enduring charities helping those who need it most, yourtown has a proud tradition and equally exciting future.
“We’re very proud of the work we do. Our 24/7 Kids Helpline counselling service for children and young people reaches every corner of Australia. We also have an impressive track record of getting young people jobs through vocational training, employment services and personal support,” Ms Adams said.
Ms Adams said that the name may be new but yourtown will continue to have the same purpose and passion when working with the community.
“We believe every young person has the right to a brighter future,” she said.
“We’re focused on helping young people find jobs, learn skills, become great parents and live safer, happier lives.”
With 42 centres in 35 locations across Australia, yourtown is tackling the issues impacting young people. It does this with dedicated services that get results:
• Counselling and mentoring (Kids Helpline, Parentline, face to face counselling and mentoring)
• Parent and family services (young parents programs, community and family mental health programs)
• Family refuges that given families temporary homes and/or domestic violence support
• Education and reengagement services
• Training and employment services
• Indigenous employment and wellbeing initiatives and services
“Last year, yourtown received more than a quarter of a million (250,000) contacts from those reaching out for help. Over 12,000 young people were helped to gain vital skills to get a job, more than 220,000 contacts were made with Kids Helpline and Parentline counsellors, and thousands more took part in other training and wellbeing services,” Ms Adams said.
yourtown programs in the Adelaide region include the yourtown Employment Service specialising in getting young people jobs offered in partnership with MAX Employment; an education re-engagement program for young people; and on the job training.
Contact yourtown’s Employment Service on 08 8209 0200 to find out more about how we help young people get jobs or find you the right employee. For more about other programs in the region call 08 8487 0087. The yourtown Employment Service is funded by the Australian Government’s jobactive initiative.
• Tracy Adams, yourtown CEO
• Case studies of young people helped
• Local photo opportunities on request
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