Mental health affects everyone

By: yourtown 06 Oct 2014 Kids Helpline

Mental health is important to discuss because it affects people from all areas, backgrounds and lifestyles.


Children and young people contact Kids Helpline from all over Australia. Last year one third of all Kids Helpline contacts were from young people living in regional and remote areas.

The service we provide is so important because for children and young people living in those areas finding support is made harder by distance, limited Internet access, a reduced number of providers and higher service costs.

Mental health services in particular are in short supply yet young people are facing the same issues as their metropolitan peers, often compounded by isolation.

Kids Helpline is staffed 24/7 by qualified counsellors who are trained to support young people in need. It’s an expensive service to operate but one that is highly valued by those who use it. Tracy Adams – BoysTown CEO


This Mental Health Week we are posting daily on the blog and BoysTown Facebook page so please join in the conversation.

You can also tune into Q&A on ABC TV tonight as it turns the spotlight on to mental health issues in rural and regional Australia as part of the ABC's Mental As initiative.

And remember, check in with family, friends and colleagues to ask them if they are okay. Take the time to listen to what comes back to you after you ask the question – the conversation is a vital step in letting others know that you care about what’s happening for them.

If young people want to talk to someone they can call Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or use email or web counselling services.

#KidsHelplineAU #MentalAs


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