Minister launches new training for work program

By: yourtown 19 Mar 2014 BoysTown

Today the Minister for Education, Training and Employment, The Honourable John Paul Langbroek, launched BoysTown’s Community Learning Program at our Redlands facility.


The Queensland Government funded program will see up to 115 unemployed young people in the Redlands, Logan and the Western Suburbs of Brisbane undertake training for work.

We are partnering with the Royal College of Health Care, Axiom College and the Metropolitan South Institute of TAFE to offer the training in Retail, Hospitality or Aged and Community Care.

With Australia’s youth unemployment at the highest level in 10 years, employers are looking for people who have training and experience.  This program provides eligible applicants with the opportunity to grow skills and confidence by training in:

  • Aged and Community Care
  • Retail, or
  • Hospitality.

This is one of the many ways we are helping job seekers to overcome the challenges of unemployment.

To register interest in the program, visit our Community Learning Program pages or contact Nicholas Cole via email ([email protected]) or on 07 3387 8800.

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