Kids Helpline saves lives

By: yourtown 20 May 2014 Kids Helpline

Suicide is a tragedy that touches so many people right across Australia. Recent statistics show that more than 2,500 people take their own lives every year in this country.


Kids Helpline’s dedicated counsellors are contacted every day by children and young people in distress and many of those contacts are suicide related.

As the nation’s only free, confidential and anonymous 24 hour counselling service specifically for the young, Kids Helpline is always there providing professional help and support when they need it most.

Young people like 16 year old Kara*

"For ages and ages I had always just wanted to go to sleep and not wake up. Life was pointless and nobody would care if I wasn't here. I cried myself to sleep most nights.

"One night I began browsing the Internet and come across Kids Helpline. Soon enough I was first in the queue on web counselling. I began talking with a counsellor and from there that's when I realised that life was worth living. Although my problems didn't disappear straight away, Kids Helpline was the starting point to my recovery."

For so long I had been suffering by myself thinking that there was no-one out there when all along there were so many people who cared and were willing to listen. Kara

If young people want to talk to someone they can call Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or use email or web counselling services. No issue is too big or small.

They can also visit the Hot Topics section on the Kids Helpline website for advice on a range of issues. We also offer advice for parents.

We’d love your feedback about the issues facing kids and young people today. Comment below.

*Name changed for privacy

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