Families focus on future

By: yourtown 15 Jul 2014 Young People Services

Information, support and motivation were on the agenda recently when BoysTown’s Communities for Children Program in Deception Bay hosted a family fun day encouraging local parents to explore their study, training and employment options.


The Future St event featured information booths offering free resume writing services, advice from a Queensland University of Technology careers advisor, access to job services and training organisations, free personality tests and health and wellbeing activities including yoga, kettle bell workouts and group fitness.

There was an amazing children's village featuring Peppa Pig! Free show bags and giveaways allowed more than 200 Deception Bay families to go home with something special.

As a result, there were 239 enrolments into programs and memberships with community organisations.

It was a great day. I got good information, free resume writing and loved the dress for success booth. Deception Bay parent.

The Communities for Children Program aims to improve opportunities for children in disadvantaged communities through targeted approaches to vulnerable families on issues of:

  • health
  • safety
  • education
  • communication, and
  • participation in the broader community.

BoysTown works in partnership with local agencies, businesses and the community to create positive and sustainable outcomes for children and we are proud to have a number of programs specifically dedicated to assisting young people and families.

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