Building employment opportunities

By: yourtown 16 Sep 2014 Blog, BoysTown

BoysTown’s innovative Yarrabilba social enterprise project takes disadvantaged and long-term unemployed youth and gives them practical, hands-on experience they can build a career on.


Construction of our third ‘Build and Sell’ home is well underway. With the electrical wiring and plumbing currently in progress and the internal linings ready to be installed, the house is nearing lockup stage.

As with the previous Yarrabilba ‘Build and Sell’ houses, up to four young people at any one time are working alongside qualified trainers and rotating through a variety of jobs from carpentry to landscaping.

In addition to practical building skills, working on these projects also provides young people with enhanced numeracy and literacy skills which will improve their long-term employment opportunities. Alistair Coleman, National Construction Manager


We hope to help even more young people by furthering our commitment to social enterprise activities like this one, using any proceeds from the sale of this house to create further opportunities for employment.

Our second home at 515 Huggins Avenue is now for sale, so if you are interested or know someone who might be looking to buy a quality home please contact Alistair.

Let us know your thoughts on this innovative project. Comment below.

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