It's not easy being a kid

By: yourtown 26 Sep 2014 Kids Helpline

Every day Kids Helpline is helping young people deal with extremely serious issues.


Children and young people are turning to us for support on suicide, mental health, anxiety, depression, and bullying.

Young people like Devon*

“I was 15 when I was heavily suffering from depression and was self-harming. One day I didn't know what else to do so I called Kids Helpline and honestly it was the best thing I ever did for myself.

“I was shaking when I first called. I spoke to a gentleman. He didn't try to fix everything at once. He treated me like a human being and he got me through that day. After that I went onto anti-depressants and fought depression for three years. I am now 18 and have been off the meds for a couple of months now and I am happy.”

Thank you Kids Helpline and all the counsellors. You saved me. Devon


If young people want to talk to someone they can call Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or use email or web counselling services. No issue is too big or small.

They can also visit the Hot Topics section on the Kids Helpline website for advice on a range of issues. We also offer advice for parents.

We’d love your feedback about the issues facing kids and young people today. Comment below.

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