Building mental health resilience

By: yourtown 07 Oct 2014 Kids Helpline

Twenty three years counselling children and young people across Australia has convinced us that mental health literacy and help-seeking among children needs to increase.


Kids Helpline @ School was conceived as a way to help. The program offers primary school classroom sessions with a counsellor and is designed to improve mental health literacy, encourage help seeking and promote resilience.

Resilience is a person’s ability to cope with a challenging situation. Children who are resilient tend to be more hopeful, confident and possess higher self-worth when times get tough.

They are also better able to overcome challenges and recognise when they need support, and who best can help them.

My Kids Helpline @School session was helpful because I do have a couple of problems at home and sometimes need someone to talk to that isn’t my Mum. I learnt that if you're a bit lonely and need someone to talk to they are always there and you can talk about anything you want, whether it’s big or small. Grade 6 student

We are so proud of this program which is talking about mental health in language young people understand and breaking down barriers for children who are afraid or anxious to reach out for help.

This Mental Health Week we urge everyone to reach out and ask your children, partner, friends and colleagues if they are okay. Help raise awareness because mental health is worth talking about.

If young people want to talk to someone they can call Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or use email or web counselling services.

#KidsHelplineAU #MentalAs

Kids Helpline @ School is supported by Optus.

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