Kids Helpline @ School making news

By: yourtown 02 Dec 2014 Kids Helpline

Our Kids Helpline @ School program was featured on ABC News Breakfast this morning.


The ABC visited St Therese Catholic Primary School in Padstow where the program is making a real difference.

Kids Helpline @ School, supported by Optus, has taken off around Australia and since May this year almost 8,500 primary school students have been signed up for classroom sessions with a counsellor.

Counsellors talk with the class about issues that commonly cause problems for young people, such as bullying, managing emotions and dealing with family breakups. All sessions include a component on the importance of asking for help when problems become unmanageable.

We are so proud of this program which is talking about help seeking in language young people understand and breaking down barriers for children who are afraid or anxious to reach out for support.

To learn more visit

If young people want to talk to someone they can call Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or use email or web counselling services.

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