New school stress

By: yourtown 20 Jan 2015 Kids Helpline

A new class or school can make children highly apprehensive and Kids Helpline says parental support will equip kids to deal with resulting stress.


Parents are the key. They know their children better than anyone and will soon see if their kids need extra support at the start of the new school year. By helping their children prepare for change and keeping an eye out for behavioural changes, parents can make all the difference to how their school year begins and ends.

It can be particularly daunting for students moving to high school where they adapt to routine changes like a new room for each class and different teachers. This year, with the transition of Year 7 into high school in Queensland, those anxieties can be amplified.

Tips for helping children through include:

  • Be available to discuss problems and help them think of ways to overcome these challenges
  • Attend parent-teacher interviews to give you information on how your child is going
  • Encourage them to do homework and revise their in-class material so that they don't fall behind
  • Provide opportunities to develop their social networks by encouraging them to invite other students over to your home outside of school hours.
The most important thing you can do is let your child know that you trust them and keep communication open. Wendy Protheroe, Kids Helpline General Manager

If kids want to talk to someone about heading back to school, they can call Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or use email or web counselling services. No issue is too big or small.

Parents can visit the Hot Topics section on the Kids Helpline website for more tips on making the transition back to school.

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