Creating a stronger community
This Australia Day we are reaffirming our commitment to ensuring children, young people and families have the opportunity to reach their fullest potential.
BoysTown is the only organisation in Australia that connects with young people every minute of every day.
For 53 years, we have been dedicated to helping Aussies, from all walks of life, experiencing social exclusion and economic disadvantage.
We advocate on behalf of, and support, children, young people and families experiencing disadvantage by providing them with education, counselling and preparation skills for employment.
We improve the everyday lives of individuals by offering support and the tools needed to break through barriers to social inclusion.
We relieve suffering, distress, misfortune or helplessness in the community by providing those most in need with a fresh start and new hope.
Strong communities are about creating connections. It is our job to create opportunities that make this possible. Tracy Adams, BoysTown CEO.
You can help us continue this important work by supporting the BoysTown Art Union or making a one off donation.
And don’t forget to subscribe to keep up to date with the latest BoysTown news.
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