Recognition for child protection

By: yourtown 07 Sep 2015 Kids Helpline

Kids Helpline @ School has received a national child protection award for being an innovative program that’s getting results.


Today, the National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN) ‘Play Your Part’ 2015 awards recognised our Kids Helpline @ School (KAS) program.

KAS received this award as an inspiring example of collaboration between the private (Optus), NGO (Kids Helpline) and public sector (schools) to not only promote the safety and wellbeing of children through prevention and early intervention, but also provide support to children in an inclusive and engaging manner.

Social Services Minister Scott Morrison presented the national award at a ceremony for National Child Protection Week at Mother Teresa Primary School in Canberra.

In partnership with Optus, KAS is a free, early intervention program that brings trained counsellors into primary school classrooms via a video link or telephone. Topics discussed range from cyberbullying to friendship, transition to high school and developing resilience.

We’ve aligned Kids Helpline @ School to the Australian curriculum with the aim of increasing the mental health literacy and the help seeking behaviour of children. Wendy Protheroe, Kids Helpline General Manager

After completing a session, almost 90% of students said they now knew where to go for help, with 81% saying they would consider contacting Kids Helpline if they had a problem.

Optus Associate Director of Corporate Social Responsibility Helen Maisano said Optus was pleased to support a program that is assisting children across Australia.

“It’s positive to hear young people displaying the ability and confidence to better handle issues especially those relating to cyberbullying since having a Kids Helpline @ School session,” Ms Maisano said.

National Child Protection Week runs from 6-12 September to promote the value of children and focus attention on the issues of child abuse and neglect.

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#KidsHelplineAU #KHLNotAlone #AnswerTheCall #NAPCAN #Optus

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