It's time we start talking about suicide

By: yourtown 09 Oct 2015 Kids Helpline, yourtown Organisation News

We've just released research to spearhead discussion on child and youth suicide.


Suicide is the leading cause of death for Australian children and young people. And it's something we believe needs to be discussed.

Despite suicide accounting for 19.3% of all deaths of Australian children aged 5-17, there is not currently sufficient recognition of the unique mental health challenges affecting young people. Our discussion paper challenges assumptions that the pathways to suicide for young people are similar to adults. In order for us to develop effective responses, services, programs - we must understand the perspectives of young people.

We see this as the start of a healthy conversation with policy makers, practitioners, researchers and those who have lived experience of suicide. A conversation that will lead to a better understanding and thus reduce suicide rates and address mental health problems.

Did you know that last year, Kids Helpline received 8,931 contacts from young people with suicidal thoughts? The service initiated 1,640 emergency care actions to protect young people from immediate harm with 36% related to a suicide attempt.

People need to think differently for children and young people if we are to reverse this alarming trend. Tracy Adams, BoysTown/Kids Helpline CEO

If you are a young person with a lived experience of suicide, we hope that you will share your thoughts and opinion in our short survey at Kids Helpline.

Researchers and policy makers are welcome to access and comment on the Discussion Paper at

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#KidsHelplineAU #KHLNotAlone #AnswerTheCall #mentalhealth #MentalAs #WMHD2015

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