Movies in the outback!

By: yourtown 05 Apr 2016 yourtown Organisation News

Initiative and creativity bring a big screen to remote WA…

There’s smiles all round in the remote Western Australia Tjurabalan region of Balgo, thanks to the initiate and creativity of our team and the community.

We’re proudly part of the Indigenous community at Balgo with initiatives from pre-vocational training, parent and child education and visual arts business enterprise, and nothing stops the yourtown team and the Balgo community when it comes to innovation.

With creativity and some hard work, our team and some of the community’s young people built an outdoor cinema. Making good use of available materials to practice their building skills – young people sanded, painted and assembled marine ply wood to the cinema size frame.  The result: a Balgo Drive in cinema (screen right near the basketball court). A yourtown laptop, projector and speaker meant there was well-earned fun ahead!

Nothing brings a community together like a good fun event. Families arrived in cars and by foot to sit and watch “Dream Girls”. It’s created lots of excitement around the community after a big day out playing footy. Not only was the movie a treat, it was a great way to celebrate the Balgo boys winning the footy game against Mulan, a neighbouring community.

 “The kids loved it, they never get to go to the movies, it was a real treat, and we have to make the most of what we have out here” – yourtown Youth Worker

It really was a community night that encouraged and welcomed to be involved. The show started with a slideshow the young participants of the yourtown Youth Development Program had created. It was great to see the smiles and pride amongst the young people and their families. It meant a lot to the young people to show what they had achieved and the fun times they’d had camping out, swimming at the lake or dam and on sports trips.

The yourtown Youth Development workers do an exceptional job with the young people of Balgo. Plenty of hands on activities are provided to build skills, confidence and work on projects that bring meaning and pride to the young people and community.

The yourtown Youth Workers will be showing a movie each weekend and will be selling popcorn to raise money for the Youth Development Program.  Balgo is a remote WA community and with your support we can continue being part of the solution to the challenges young people face.  Every dollar counts and your support will be greatly appreciated. Make a donation today.

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