Youth Unemployment. Get Serious.

By: yourtown 14 Apr 2016 yourtown Organisation News

Our young people deserve a brighter future. We're helping them...


National Youth Week is here (8-17 April 2016) and it's time to get serious about helping our young people build their future.

The latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) figures (2016) show there were more than 50,000 young people aged 15 to 24 years in long-term unemployment last year, meaning they had been out of work for at least a year. Our reports show an increase in long term youth unemployment (since 2002) - so it's time for us all to get serious. We need to provide the consistent and genuine support, encouragement and skills that young people need to build their brighter future.

Many view the surface issue as a problem with the "whole generation", but we work with (and listen to) 1000's of young people every month - there's more to the challenge and we're stepping up to it. We're proud to be supporting young people in their journey to grow skills, access education and find work.  Proud to be helping reduce the impact of long term unemployment on young people and the effects it has on the community.

From low self-esteem, to poor mental and physical health, the longer young people are unemployed, the harder it can be to break that cycle and find a job. Tracy Adams, CEO

That's why we've recently launched a new employment program in 12 of the most disadvantaged areas of Australia, aimed at getting unemployed young people into work.

Transition to Work is the latest in our range of programs that provide young people with intensive, pre-employment support to improve their work readiness and help them find work, education or training opportunities. We deliver the program in partnership with the Australian Department of Employment for young people (15-21) particularly, young school leavers.

This program is about helping young people to improve their chances of getting a job. With practical guidance, structured training and genuine support - we are helping more young Australian's find find their place in the community. We're taking action now and breaking the cycles that lead to long-term unemployed.

We've also taken the lead to research and discuss Tackling Long Term Youth Unemployment. 

Our latest discussion paper "Tackling Long Term Youth Unemployment" is the result of our studies, research and experience. We invite other industry leaders, researchers and political minds and community members to contribute to the conversation.  From this conversation, we'll help inform new support models and create new tools - all to help young people build their brighter future.

Download your copy of the discussion paper today.

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#yourtownAU #NYW2016

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