Keeping mental health of young people a priority

By: yourtown 18 May 2016 yourtown Organisation News

We're helping inform the Digital Mental Health Gateway Project development. Young people matter!


In Canberra today, representatives from mental health and support services across the country are meeting to discuss the planned Digital Mental Health Gateway Project.  Our Strategy & Research team is represented to ensure the unique and serious needs of young people are a priority.

The Digital Mental Health Gateway is a planned initiative of the current Coalition Government, to help provide all Australians with the right support at the right time. The Gateway is a recommendation from a formal review by the Mental Health Commission.

Young people have specific needs.

We've been working to provide support and programs that suit the needs of young people in Australia for over 50 years. Last year, our Kids Helpline (KHL) service responded to more than 200,000 contacts from children and young people. Of the 70,210 who received counselling, 22% were about a mental health issues.

There are too many young people suffering alone with depression, anxiety, suicide and self-harm. Young people matter, they need our support. - Tony Fitzgerald, KHL

But we know that the challenge for supporting young people isn't simply a matter of volume. Kids and young people have psychological preferences and social influences that must be considered. How support is expressed, ways information is articulated (and other factors) make a big difference to the result of any youth engagement. Young people will not accept support services they feel don’t genuinely understand them.

Any new programs, services and technology must consider the way young people think (and live) as a priority - Tracy Adams, CEO

The government must remember that young people matter.

While the specifics of the Gateway project are still being formed, we're grateful that the government is welcoming participation. We are committed to making sure the needs, well-being and protection of children is a priority. That's why we are there, to help inform decisions with data driven insights to build a better outcome for more young people.

Our priority is young people. To protect and support them for their own wellbeing and the strength of Australia's future. - John Dalgleish, Head of Strategy & Research

Whether these new programs are designed for early-intervention, emergency response or ongoing support – we’ll continue to represent the needs of young people. We’ll continue conducting research, connecting with young people and working with partners. It's vital that the unique and serious needs of young people are well considered and addressed.  Because young people matter.

You can help us…

We’re a community funded organisation and need your help to keep growing our support and services for kids and young people. At yourtown we're taking on the challenges young people face including Mental Health, Unemployment, Family and Domestic Violence. Donations are tax deductible and every dollar counts. With your help, we can continue to be part of the solution.  Make a donation today.

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