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By: yourtown 20 May 2016 Prize Homes

We've made a lot of winners calls...but none quite like this! 


About 50 supporters came to see the balls roll at the luxury Leichhardt Prize Home (which was back by popular demand!) in Sydney today. Thousands more were waiting for our Prize Homes Facebook page to be updated and sitting by their phone waiting for the call.


There was an optimistic tension in the air as the barrel spun with many supporters holding their tickets in anticipation. Everyone was excited because they knew the $1.7 Million First Prize Winner would get to choose between the Gold Coast Hinterland or Leichhardt Sydney prize home. An enviable decision to make!

The $1.7 Million First Prize went to Ticket Number 383637 purchased by "D & J" of Narrandera NSW 2700.

When we called and spoke with the winner, they were talking via speaker phone in the car.

OK, hang on, I'm driving I'm going to have to pull over... What did you say?!' - Prize Home Winner

They aren't the first winners who have asked us to repeat what we've said...we’re kinda used to saying it a few times before they believe us. Finding out you're a $1.7 Million prize winner isn't something you hear every day and they were understandably shocked!

It’s a bitter-sweet win for the couple who were driving to a funeral when they received the winning call. While we have made many calls, to many winners - that was a first for us!

Once they believed us, we found out that the latest yourtown prize homes winners are a husband and wife – currently living in a small NSW town about 550KM from Sydney. They told Tracey Gillinder, Head of Marketing and Fundraising, they have family in Sydney and held 3 tickets in the draw.

They were delighted to find out that because they had 3 tickets in the draw, they ALSO WON $30,000 in BONUS GOLD BULLION!

They have a few days to decide which of the prize options they prefer. Either way, their choice will be valued at $1.7 MILLION and includes furniture, electrical and travel. Lucky them!


The winners kept coming with the ball machine rolling out the 2nd and 3rd prize winners.

"I & L" of Stretton QLD 4116 won the $10,000 Second Prize with Ticket Number 129455. They now have the choice of either a Flight Centre Voucher OR David Jones Gift Card OR Harvey Norman Gift Card valued at $10,000.

"L" of Mooloolaba QLD 4557 won the $5,000 Third Prize with Ticket Number 374467. As 3rd prize winner, "L" will have the opportunity to pick either a Flight Centre Voucher OR David Jones Gift Card OR Harvey Norman Gift Card valued at $5,000.

"P" of Sherwood QLD 4075 won the Subscriber Bonus Draw + the "Until Further Notice" Bonus! A TOTAL PRIZE of $20,000! Each draw, automatic ticket buyers (subscribers) are entered into a separate draw for $10,000 GOLD BULLION. Because the winner was registered to automatically purchase tickets per draw until further notice, they have also won the BONUS $10,000 GOLD BULLION.  That's great news for a Friday and a great reason for you to become a yourtown ticket subscriber!


The next winner could be you, our latest prize home draw is now open! You could join the winners list and WIN BOTH a Sunshine Coast home and Sydney CBD apartment PLUS GOLD BULLION! Every ticket you buy helps us raise the funds we need to help more young people find jobs, grow skills and live safely. Buy your tickets now

Check out our Prize Homes Facebook page for all the inside information on the prize homes, sneak previews, winners news, draw results and behind the scenes events. Like us now!

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