Job Interview Tips

Getting invited to a job interview is an exciting step in your job search. 

You might feel confident or you might feel anxious about your interview – or a bit of both! 

Either way, it really helps to prepare.

Here are some tips to help you nail it.  

Before the interview

The more you prepare for your job interview, the less nervous you will be, and the more you can focus on selling what’s great about you. Here are some things you can do in advance: 

  • Find out as much as you can about the employer - have a look at their website and socials to learn what they do, what they’ve achieved, and their future goals.  
  • Think about how to answer the questions they will ask (refer to our tips below)! 
  • Plan your appearance - think about your outfit and grooming 
  • Practice being enthusiastic, friendly and approachable 
  • Practice some interview questions with a friend, or even film yourself answering 
  • Prepare copies of any necessary paperwork e.g. resume, relevant certificates 
  • Plan your route and transport ahead of time so you can arrive early

Remember yourtown is here to help! 

If you are a yourtown member and need help with interview prep, appropriate clothing for the interview, or help with transport costs, speak with your Job Placement Coach or Youth Worker. 

Video and phone interviews 

Virtual interviews have become more common since the Covid-19 pandemic.

You might need to install new technology, find a quiet place to talk, and think about sound and lighting. Remember you can still ace a job interview through a screen!

Check out these great tips on how to prepare for virtual interviews!

Interview questions 

It definitely helps to think about some questions you might be asked, and prepare your answers.  

It can even help to say your answers out loud or even film yourself with a phone to see how you’re coming across.

Here are some examples of questions you might be asked, and tips for how to answer. 

Tell me about yourself 

Give a quick summary of your key qualities, experience, skills and goals. This is more about who you are, not a copy of your resume. It’s about working out how you fit into the business and team. 

What are your strengths? 

Answer honestly and provide examples. This is a chance to sell yourself! 

Why do you want to work for us? 

The employer wants to know how you will meaningfully engage with the work. Make sure you’ve done your research and can answer genuinely.  

Give me an example of the problem you have solved 

Think about a real-world example of a situation where you faced a problem, preferably work-related. Describe how you took action and what the results were. 

Why did you leave your last job/why leave your current job? 

Whatever you do, don’t bad-mouth your last employer. Instead be positive about future opportunities and focus on the goals you are hoping to achieve by going elsewhere. 

How do you manage your time? 

Employers ask this question in order to see if you know how to fit your tasks into the timeframe needed. You can describe your organisational skills and any apps, software or methods you use to keep organised and stay on track.  

What are your goals for the future? 

Employers ask this question to find out how the job aligns with your values and ambitions. If you really don’t know, you can say that you’re excited to get more experience in this role that will help work your future goals out. 

Do you have any questions for me? 

An interview is an opportunity for you to ask questions too.  

While it might seem like the purpose of an interview is to sell yourself to an employer, it’s also your prospective employer’s job to explain the role and responsibilities, and provide enough detail about the business to help you decide if you want to work for them. 

You should ask questions about things like: 

  • The most common tasks and responsibilities in this role 
  • The team or company structure 
  • The mission and goals of the business 
  • The day-to-day stuff such as working hours and conditions 
  • What are some of the challenges of the department/team and how do they like to approach them? 

When the interview is finished, be sure to thank the interviewer for their time and giving you the opportunity to meet with them. 

If you get the job


Make sure you say thank you and get all the information you need to start your new position – employer name (including ABN), start date and time, location, what to wear and who to report to on day one.

If you don’t get the job

Don’t give up! 

Ask for feedback from the interview and use this to improve for the next one. Constructive feedback can be a great help in improving your chances next time. 

Chat to your Job Placement Coach or Youth Worker to see what support we can offer as you commence into work! 

When job interviews raise concerns

Occasionally in a job interview, you could learn things about the business that worry you.  

Like maybe they don't seem serious about workplace health and safety, or perhaps you suspect they don’t obey the law. 

If you have any concerns following the interview, be sure to speak with your Job Placement Coach or Youth Worker (if you're a yourtown member). 

To learn about your rights at work, visit Fair Work.