Artist David Bromley makes a powerful contribution to mental health

By: yourtown 08 Sep 2023 Media Releases

Welcome to The Bromley, an extraordinary home where luxury blends seamlessly with romantic charm.  Nestled amidst the breathtaking natural beauty of Eumundi, this architectural masterpiece captures the essence of refined living.

David Bromley, one of Australia’s most renowned artists has worked closely with yourtown to style the upcoming Eumundi prize home, to include two original paintings, limited editions and also David Bromley merchandise.

Prize home ticket sales from The Bromley, will help fund professional counsellors at Kids Helpline, as they continue to be a critical safety-net for children and young people 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

When yourtown Executive Head of Marketing and Fundraising Tracey Gillinder spoke to David about collaborating on creative visions to enhance the upcoming yourtown luxury prize home at Eumundi, he jumped at the opportunity.

Tracey explains, “Kids Helpline, a service of yourtown, receives over 50% of its funding from the yourtown luxury prize homes.  This is a win-win, not only creating something extra special for our supporters, but also enabling Kids Helpline to continue its free 24/7 counselling service for children and young people.

“The money raised from prize homes has continued our critical work to support the ever-increasing demand for Kids Helpline. For some young people, connecting with Kids Helpline has been a life-saving experience, while for others it’s about practical help and emotional support at the moment they need someone to listen.  In 2022, Kids Helpline was contacted by close to 400,000 children and young people from across Australia,” continued Ms Gillinder.

Particularly close to David’s heart is the work done by Kids Helpline for children and young people.

“Because I think the work they do is incredibly important, and because I have a connection to their mission, I am thrilled to contribute to this wonderful Eumundi luxury prize home with original artworks and pieces of my private collection,” said Mr Bromley.

Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free, private and confidential 24/7 counselling service specifically for children and young people aged 5 to 25 years.  FREE call 1800 55 1800 or

Facebook: @kidshelpline, Insta @kidshelplineau, Twitter @KidsHelplineAU

Tickets for The Bromley are only $15 and limited to 500,000 –

Ticket Sales for The Bromley close Sunday 8th October at 10.00pm AEST

The Bromley will be drawn Wednesday 11th October at 12.00pm AEST

For more information or to arrange a media interview please contact Maree Reason-Cain, yourtown Corporate Affairs & Media Advisor on 0423  843 786 or [email protected]