Unemployed young people drive for success

By: yourtown 10 Aug 2017 Media Releases

Port Pirie young people who are unemployed and keen to get their license will soon be driving for success thanks to yourtown’s new driver’s license program being launched tomorrow, Friday 11 August.

yourtown has found that one of the biggest practical obstacles young people face in finding work is the lack of a driver’s licence. yourtown’s new free ‘Driving Brighter Futures’ program will support unemployed young people 25 years of age or under who do not have access to a supervisor or vehicle to access driving training and get their P Plates.

According to yourtown Head of Client Services Brendan Bourke, a yourtown survey of 285 young people experiencing long-term unemployment across Australia showed that 66% found not having a driver’s license made it harder to get a job.

“Young people often need a license not only to get to work but to meet on-the-job requirements. Not having a license can make getting and then keeping a job difficult,” Mr Bourke said.

“Job seekers can face a number of barriers to acquiring a licence, including financial or family circumstances that limit their ability to build the required number of logbook hours like not having access to a car and limited-to-no disposable income to pay for petrol or driving instruction.

yourtown gives young people skills and experience that help them break the cycle of unemployment. The ’Driving Brighter Futures’ program is part of this commitment.”

Port Pirie yourtown Manager John Waters said yourtown was providing the vehicle for the program and local volunteers would be training and mentoring the young people.

“The Port Pirie community is always very supportive of yourtown programs and this one in particular will benefit from the generosity of volunteers happy to give their time to help young job seekers out,” Mr Waters said.

“We’ve got eight volunteer trainers so far, who are excited and ready to go and invite others in the community interested in getting involved to contact us.

“We offer pre-training and program support for all volunteers. By coming on board, volunteers also know they are helping to create brighter futures for local young people.”

Mr Waters said the first round of young people enrolled in ‘Driving Brighter Futures’ are already taking part in other yourtown employment programs.

“Together with their employment training, the driver’s license will increase their chances of getting work. Twelve young people are due to start their training next week.”

For more information about this or other yourtown programs visit  www.yourtown.com.au or p: 08 8633 3675, e: [email protected]


WHERE AND WHEN?     3pm, Friday, 11 August, 9 Threadgold Street, Port Pirie


Brendan Bourke, yourtown Head of Client Services; John Waters, yourtown Port Pirie Manager

Michael Starr, yourtown Southern Area Manager – SA, NSW, TAS; Photographs of young people attending the event


Regan Flor  [email protected]   0423 843 786

Tracey Gillinder   [email protected]   0434 077 478

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